STAMP has been providing mental health advocacy support to people experiencing difficulties for over 25 years. We are an independent service within the grounds of Roseberry Park Hospital since 1995. The organisation was created by a group of service users and volunteers who identified an advocacy gap within service provision.
At this time the benefit of advocacy was not fully recognised and it was identified that people needed a voice when accessing services and other support agencies to improve their own mental wellbeing and recovery. Since then we have seen the Advocacy provision grow from strength to strength across service provision.
In 2017 we changed our legal status moving from an Uncorportated Charitable Organisation to an Incorporated Charitable Organisation (CIO). The shift was designed to move the organisation to the forefront of change and relevance, and enabled us to be more attractive to prospective Trustees joining us. It also offered the freedom to make significant and relevant change without the need for members of the organisation.
Our vision is for people with mental health issues to be fully supported to advocate for themselves, equal opportunities for all and the rights of individuals to find their voice to be heard in order to move forward positively in their lives.
Our mission is to enable those who experience mental health issues to fulfil their potential and have the opportunity to play a full role in society. We focus support when and where the need is the greatest, providing support to people who feel they are going through a crisis to help create change and instil belief that they can overcome any barrier or obstacle that confronts them.
Accepting – in seeing everyone as unique individuals
Partnerships – we work with people instead of doing things to them or for them
Empathy – we listen with our hearts
Opportunity – to speak out, grow, nurture, and develop
Integrity – practising morality, honesty, and fairness
Aspiring – hope and optimism
Accountability – in our delivery and practice
Support people to express views, be heard and have a direct say on issues critical to their wellbeing and recovery.
Enable people to explore their options and agree a course of action to develop the skills to actively to take part in resolving issues and overcome the barriers to good mental health.
Empower people to make informed choices and identify personal strengths to gain and remain in control of their lives.
Defend the rights of people experiencing mental ill health and safeguard them by promoting good practice, and preventing discrimination, neglect, and abuse.
Promote social inclusion and raise awareness of the obstacles faced by individuals with mental ill health to prevent exclusion and isolation.
Encourage individuals to broaden their horizons and become active and inclusive members of society
We would like to take the opportunity to thank our funders who support our work and beneficiaries by providing valuable funding grants and opportunities for us to develop our skills.
We offer a free and independent service to support people who experience mental health problems, to have their voices heard. Being an independent service, offers people the opportunity to have their say on matters that are important to them, access services they may need or raise concerns.
“The advantage with Stamp being an independent advocacy provider enables service users to use their voice more, they can contribute to conversations and treatment plans. For me, this changed the feeling of being ‘talked to’ or ‘done to’ it empowered me and gave me a choice to be part of a process”
John Banister
Our advocacy service delivery is built on the Principles of Advocacy, accessibility, equality & diversity, person led, accountability, clarity of purpose, independence, confidentiality, empowerment, safeguarding and supporting advocate.
Our work follows the principles as set out within the Advocacy Charter Advocacy-Charter-A3.pdf ( /
As a charity, we are registered to and regulated by the Charity Commission. We are legally bound to carry out certain protocols and requirements, one of which is holding a number of Trustees as Board members and for those members to meet regularly.
We undertake by-monthly board meetings to discuss and review the organisations financial positioning and future directions. Impact data and beneficiary feedback is used to inform service delivery changes or shifts in beneficiary need. Great importance is placed on such feedback and places our beneficiaries at the heart of every decision discussed, reviews and actioned.
We produce annual accounts and Trustee Reports which give an overview of the events across the year. We do hold annual General Meetings under the framework of the ICO structure. Access to all of our annual reports and accounts can be done by clicking the year of interest below.
Find out more about the Charity Commission by exploring the following links.
We love to hear from our beneficiaries and we really appreciate your feedback. Your feedback is vital to us to determine what works and what isn’t working. It helps us shape our service delivery.
You can do this via a number of options, either by dropping us an email to or by requesting a compliments, feedback and complaints form from the same email address or drop us a message below.
Leave your feedback here – CTA enquiry form
If you wish to raise an issue or make a complaint please email and a form will be sent to you within 48hrs. If your complaint is regarding your experience with an advocate or service delivery, our Project Manager is the appointment person to respond.