We offer generic advocacy within various topic areas; the most common areas are:
Access to services for assessments, medication reviews, engage in treatment appointments or service challenges & complaints.
We can support to access your GP to discuss your experiences for a referral to secondary services. We can make direct referrals on your behalf if you did not wish to access your GP, to access Secondary Mental Health Services, Talking Therapies & Social Care Assessments.
If you are within an inpatient facility or residential setting, we can support service engagement with your care team and health professionals involved with your care during various meetings.
accessing GP or hospital appointments, medication reviews, engagement with health professionals.
Do you find it difficult talking to people? Are you concerned that your mental health prevents you from understanding or remembering information or asking questions? An advocate can attend your appointments to help you say what you need to say.
Is your physical health a concern? Do you feel you need help around the house for you to remain independent? An advocate can help you access Social Care Assessments through your Local Authority and help you access Occupational Therapy assessment and input.
The welfare system can be very confusing, intimidating and hard to navigate independently.
An advocate can support to attend Work Capability and PIP Health Assessments, Appeal Tribunals, Work Coach appointments, DWP investigative interviews, and appointment with Community Welfare Advisors. We can support in accessing services to help you to complete benefit application and review forms.
access to local authority homeless teams, support to engage with social landlords to address neighbourhood issues, property repairs & Repossession Orders.
Advocacy can help to address rent or mortgage arrears or to support you to engage in difficult and challenging discussions. We can offer support to help solve your issue, gain access to the right people to address complaints and access legal advice where appropriate.
If you are looking to move and social housing banding is holding you back, we can explore to determine if your banding meets your circumstances and connect you with other services who can assist further.
Working and engaging with Local Authority Children’s Services can be very distressing and worrying. It is important that families work with services. Positive engagement with services is in the interest of all involved.
Advocacy can support at meetings with Social Workers and we can attend with you all meetings you are required to part take in, this includes Child In Need & Child Protection processes. An advocate can speak on your behalf in discussions and engagements with Social Workers.
If you are experiencing the Family Court Process and feel overwhelmed, we can help you engage with your legal representative or we can offer emotional support throughout the court process, if you are self-representing your case.
We cannot and do not offer legal advice and if you required this we would support you to access a local Solicitor’s firm.
Debt Management & Financial Hardship – Access to local authority financial crisis support, food banks & other local services offering hardship support.
Concerns About Your Drug or Alcohol Use - Access the relevant services to help you address your addictions. Having advocacy support can help minimise social barriers such as stigma and feeling judgement. We can help you engage with services and support with building trusting relationships.
Improving Your Social Networks or Relationships – Do you feel lonely or isolated? Do you want to try and re-connect with others or groups to help you improve your wellbeing? Advocacy can help you seek out community links, opportunities and activities.
Offending or a Victim of Crime – Do you need support to engage with the police or a solicitor? Advocates can help you liaise with relevant services that suit your situation. We can help you to talk to people you need to talk to and we can support you and your mental health through a difficult and challenging time
Workplace Disputes – Advocacy can help you raise issues with your employer and share your difficulties or challenges. We can support during meetings or communications with employers, as well as linking you with employment advice services.
Complaints – Help to understand complaint procedures and support you in making your complaints, whether that be with mental health services, police, social services, voluntary or other services. Support includes gathering information, formulating the complaint and progression through the stages of the stages of process.
If you have a concern that is not listed please contact us to discuss your situation. It is our aim to support all who experience poor mental health. If we cannot help you we will link you to a service who can.
If you would like an advocate you can complete one of our confidential referral forms by accessing the relevant link or you can contact us directly to discuss your referral further.
When using our online referral system, you will receive an automated acceptance email confirming the receipt of your information.
Many agencies recognise the benefits of advocacy support and the positive impact upon a person’s ability to engage when accessing services or within required assessments. A vital key to advocacy success is the willingness of the individual to engage within the advocacy process for them to participate in the decision-making process and to be able to identify advocacy goals.
Professional feedback illustrates vulnerable people become more isolated and harder to reach when trying to access the services they need. They become overwhelmed, anxious and find it extremely difficult to cope and express themselves. Advocacy becomes a platform for vulnerable people which has been shown to increase their ability to obtain the community resources they need and increase social support.
‘Having the presence of an advocate helps the client stay calm, keeps them reassured, being with them every step of the way is vital to ensuring that I can do my job’
Agency Referral FormWe offer these sessions for the general public, clients and services that want to know a little more about Advocacy and the benefits it can offer. Sessions can be delivered in numerous ways via informal talks or formal presentation with individuals, client groups or teams of staff. All will depend on what your needs are.
Session will offer an overview of what advocacy is, what we do and some of the benefits. We will answer specific questions around advocacy, the outcome’s people experience and how to refer.
If you would like to speak to a member of our advocacy team to chat further, please contact us for further information.
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