I get really anxious when I have to talk to people and I need help to get my point across, STAMP helped me say the things I needed to say to professionals.
I was in the process of applying for Personal Independent Payment benefit and my advocate helped me gather all the medical information to support my claim. I needed this help as I was unable to gather all the information and to openly speak with benefit advisers what my challenges were. Following on from my application, the advocate was able to support me by attending my PIP health assessment. He helped me keep my focus on the information I needed to share, having him with me reassured me as I struggle to share the detail that was needed to highlight my own difficulties. I was provided advocacy support to help explain things and understand the big words and jargon professionals use.
Having the help from STAMP enabled me to share the important information about my daily activity I take for granted. The advocate was able to remind me or highlight to me, where my health difficulties were negatively impacting upon my health. Meeting strangers or changes to my routines, mean my social anxiety gets really bad and I am not able to tell people what they need to know.
As well as helping with PIP, my advocate helped me to appeal the UC decision to decline the award. Here he helped me engage with the Her Majesty’s Tribunal & Courts and the welfare advisor representing my case.
Thanks to the help from my advocate and other services, I was successful in having my UC reinstated and I was successful with the PIP application. I was overjoyed that we secured my benefits, we were barely living and unable to make ends meet. The success of the PIP at the application staged save a lot of anxiety in having to go through another tribunal process. Securing both benefits means I no longer have to worry about feeding my family. That mean such a lot to me and takes away a huge worry from me and weight off my shoulders.
Advocacy has helped me address my debts and that has helped me change my life, I would recommend STAMP to other people.